
I’m NOT Pulling Your Leg

A few months back, I read an article about items left unclaimed in the LOST AND FOUND departments of well-known amusement parks.  The article cited a few statistics that indicated the smaller an object is, the more likely it would become ...

Rethinking LIKE

I’m on Facebook a lot.  An embarrassingly absurd amount of time.  If it’s during daylight on a weekday, the chances are good I’m there.  It’s a bit awkward, actually: my friends and family probably wonder why I've chosen to spend so much ...

Having Family Nearby

She was born on a fall day in 1969.  My father interrupted our school day to bring us the news.  'It's a girl,' he said, smiling down at us.  I have no recollection of my mother being pregnant, but I know I wasn’t surprised by this ...

A Case of Rescuing

They came to us in July of 2009.  Only a few weeks before, age and illness had forced the grueling decision to let Chuck, my beloved yellow lab, pass from this world. My sweetie-pie sidekick who, until then, had asked nothing of me but love and ...

In Search of Shelby Scott

Outside my window is a winter wonderland. For the fourth time in eight days, it snowed today. Total accumulation in that timeframe: about 28 inches. There are no rants about this in my house: here, we understand that winter in New Hampshire ...

52 for 50

Come February, I will be 49: in the fiftieth year of my life. I’m not dreading anything at all about it. But I am pausing for thought. About where I am, what other lessons I'd like to teach myself, and how I want to enter my fifties. Maybe it’s ...

Unclogging My Brain

Whenever I watch an old movie with a train scene, I'm always on the lookout for a nun. Because the chances are good there's at least one on that train. I often wonder why this was so. Could it be that nuns were not permitted to move about by plane? ...

Autumn Promises

(written last month) thursday's work at my desk demands the whole of my focus when my eye is called toward tall, regal trees that gently lean outside my window reluctantly at first, then deeply bow ...
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